Friday, 8 June 2012

Pastel Dreamer

Mood: Happy

Stalked Tiness's girlfriend just now. Seriously, what did he see in her?! .____.

So, it has been a terrible day. Electricity went out. Damn.
Slept for an hour without fan. It's a miracle. :D
I cannot handle heat very well. Even the slightest change in temperature would make me sweat.

So, he claimed to be Hulk yesterday, eh no, I mean today. Gah late night convos are just so confusing in time sense.
Noooo, he is not Hulk. Hulk is so cute and green and angry and helpful in a way and he's my boyfriend.
He is so not Hulk. Never.

But if he insists, nevermind, I still have Hawkeye and Iron Man but Hulk is my number one. XDDD
I'm mad, I know.
Hawkeye is haawwwtttt. Iron Man is plain awesome. :D

Since he claims to be Hulk, he can never try to think to be one of those wannabes. Aawww yeah! XD

And oh ya, I managed to creep him out by sending him that cropped picture of him. Bet he got freaked out or annoyed but either I win. Boo yeah. :PP

Okay. Maybe I'm just crapping here. My head hurts. *bangs head on keyboard*
It has been 3 days since I slept well.
I keep tossing in my bed, dreaming that I am still wide awake and online on facebook. 3 bloody fucking days. 

Okay, that picture that I cropped, well it was just for fun. Thava asked me to edit the picture of me and her so while then I got bored at the same time so, I edited almost quite a pictures of me friendsta. :PP

Yes, I was just so jobless. 

Tuition was fun. Crapped with Kuga like a boss. We aren't the lovey dovey type of besties. It's more to the I insult you, you insult me type of relation. We express our love for each other in a weird way. It's not how normal people would do it but weird is good. I guess. :)

Going to the playground again tomorrow with Kuga and Kamz is coming too.

And ohmigod, Tiness chatting with me now. Wheee. :D 

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