Saturday, 24 November 2012

Dont's In A Relationship

Dear people who are in a relationship, STOP. SCREWING. UP.
Okay, certain things you cannot avoid, I agree but certain things you can avoid from happening.
You can't have a relationship without any fights but you can make your relationship worth the fight.
Stop finding for problems in your relationship or your partner. I mean, you got together after knowing and accepting them as who they are, right, with their flaws and imperfections then what is the point of keep finding faults? If it is to make you look better than them, it would be the most foolish thing you could possibly do. Don't try to make your girlfriend jealous. Make others jealous of them. Most importantly, please never treat your girlfriend like crap. Don't make them feel anything less than the best. Don't ignore them in front of your so called friends just to pretend that you're cool. Man up and behave like a dude with balls. You're the one dating her NOT those so called friends of yours so why bother of what they say? Real friends would support you unless you're making a big mistake. And oh, never ignore your friends for your girlfriend or boyfriend. They were there for you before he/she was so stick with them cause this could also create problems in your relationship.
 E.g. "I don't think I am spending much time with my friends these couple of months. I've been leaving them to be with you. It's ruining my friendship with them. Let's break up. :D " See? 
Well at least that has a reason why they were gonna break up. Never ever leave your girlfriend without telling her the reason even if it's gonna hurt and by telling her truth, you'd be doing her a great favour cause the least she would do is cry for some time and then get over it instead of continuously wondering what wrong she has done and sacrifice her sleep every night thinking and crying. 

And girls, stop being over protective. Give him some space. Trust is important in every relationship and if you don't trust your boyfriend, well you might as well just give up cause you're just gonna make lives miserable for the both of you. The poor guy couldn't have fun and you would just be plain restless and then things would get so messed up and in the end, you'd be called a bitch. 

Girls are called bitch for everything, man. A girl gives her opinion. "Man, she's such a bitch."
A girl still talks and treats the guy who likes her, as a friend. 'Forget her cha, she's a bitch!" 
A girl has a boyfriend and a guy best friend. "Look at her, bitching around." 
A girl ignores you. "Bitch lah she!" 
Dear certain guys, I don't think you know the meaning of bitch. It means a female dog and the one that fucks more than one person. So, in order to actually know and call her a bitch, you must be a dog and a dog you are. Congrats. (:

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