Mood: Exhausted
Way too much of shopping! D:
Have I told how bizarre my dreams have been getting lately?
He is in every dream and in all of it, he has such a pathetic life! I imagine him in all sorts of horrible condition and his reactions when I torture him.....priceless! The best part is that it's actually fun! I really love my dreams! At least there I can hurt him!
It's like the opposite of the real life.
I'm tired of being treated the way I'm being treated now so my dreams are letting me live a better life somewhere far far away from all this pain and misery in a kingdom of my own where happiness is the only emotion that exists.
Sounds mean?! Neah, this is just a tiny part. Should have seen the tortures. Epic! Damn! If only we could capture our dreams and replay them. Ask my friends, they would know how evil I am when the topic is about him. But I do act innocent in front him, pst I'm afraid of him ma!
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