Monday, 2 May 2011

jealousy ?

What does it mean? Pain? Hatred?NO! Jealousy is a combination of fear and anger: fear of loosing someone and anger that somebody is "moving in" on someone that you feel only belongs to you.It is a sign of love and possessiveness.A little jealousy in a relationship or even friendship is healthy because it means that someone is afraid to lose you.But it is has the full potential to kill you slowly from the inside.YES! And I am one of the victim of this! It totally took over me without me realizing and slowly it killed me.It sucked life outta me leaving me drained out.....I was lifeless! Tears and pain were my besties along with fear and anger.
Jealousy kills you,
With every ache.
You keep your mouth shut,
Your smile is fake.

You say it's okay,
When really it's not.
It makes you sick,
But it's these thoughts you fought.

You feel the heat in your shoulders,
your hands start to shake,
You keep to yourself,
as you silently wait.

You deal with the pain,
with each word you write,
Thinking nice thoughts,
To help your mind fight.

Your stomach is turns,
You feel you should die,
But you breathe a breath in,
and you try not to cry.

It's really not bad,
this lie that you made,
To help you fight through,
As the feeling will fade.

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