Saturday, 24 September 2011

=D =) =/ >:(

Finally, managed to blog again! Wheeeeeee! Missed this place and hmm lots of changes have been made! Interesting! At least it's better than the changes made on Facebook.

Lots of things has happened starting from the ending of August. I screwed up and now I'm finding a way to fix that mistake. Many secrets were revealed and most of them weren't shocking at all cause I knew it from the very start but the sad thing is I lost all my trust in that one person whom I thought I could trust the best. I grew numb and that's one of the best thing ever. Pain and sadness are like a thousand or maybe billion miles away from me. I'm glad I've found my long lost bestie, my smile. Happiness is all mine that it makes me wonder "Am I dreaming?" I changed for the better but sometimes I don't seem to recognize myself. The new me and I'm loving every bit of me.

There's just one thing bugging me now. The urge of smacking the living daylight outta one very special person who ruined my entire plan by just being nice to me. How sweet of him. Imagine having a superb plan all worked up perfectly in your mind, so perfect that you start to have such sweet dreams about it and so eager to unleash it and BOOM!, some idiot comes along and decides to crash it. And all you could is say "What the fuck?!" I said that over 20 times that day. Hearing it crash in your mind is such an awful thing. Any sane person would hate an idiot who does that! And heck yeah I hate him for that.

You + Ignorant = Me + Muahahaha *evil thought*
You + "Friendly" = Me + Confusion! 

Harz: You've changed. You hate him rite?
Me: Errrrr ( I so badly wanted to type YES!!! but since I'm a very good girl, I didn't do so! XD)
Harz: Well you hate him. Now y you hate him? Because he broke up with you?
Me: *This seriously made me rofl!! How on earth could she possibly think of something as stupid as that?!?!* I don't hate him! I just don't have feelings! ( that was true but she just refused to believe me! And I can't tell her why I hate him cause she'll support him and then she'll know bout my plan! Uh Oh! )

When I wanted to be friends, all he was is a stranger. Busy? Ya right! That's very convincing! I thought I had superpowers, the power of being invisible but oh then I realized I was just being ignored. Great rite?! But it was great in a way it made me change my mind. I did the same thing and it was fun, hmm well not that much.
Actually, I can! (:

And then there's that one day, when he remembered I'm actually his friend. How tragic. And that's when BOOM! happened! I swear I felt like killing him and I still do. Even a lil whack would do. Just give me one chance boy.
Stab you! Hit your head with a really large hammer! Slap you! Kill you!!